Why study in France?

Studying in France, brings an opportunity to study at one of the Grand Ecoles and benefit from an world renowned education system.

Why study in France?

Frances rich culture, gastronomy, architecture, and thriving student life makes it an ideal place to pursue to studies for most international students. Studying in France gives you the opportunity to learn the language and gain cultural perspective.

Campus France 10 Reasons to Choose France as a study destination

  1. France is the first country who signed a mutual recognition agreement with India
  2. A French degree gives you access to the 570 French companies operating in India
  3. Over 500 French scholarships are available to Indian students.
  4. The richness and diversity offered by the French system make it easy to find an educational program that matches your background and goals
  5. Programmes are professionally oriented and combine theory and practice and use professional tools in real-world settings
  6. 1500 French programmes are taught in English
  7. France is the world’s fourth-largest destination for international students and the leading non-English speaking destination
  8. Learn French, learn the official language of over 30 countries across 5 continents
  9. France tops research and innovation with over 64 Nobel Laureates and 15 Fields Medals
  10. An environment favorable to innovation and to young entrepreneurs

Top Course to Study in Germany

  • Culinary and Pastry studies
  • Business Management
  • Sports Management
  • French Language Course
  • Art Design and Architecture

Career Opportunities in France

lan to work while studying at the university?

Students who plan to work while being enrolled in an institution must consider that international students have the right to work while studying in France as long as they are enrolled in an institution that participates in the national student health-care plan. Students who are not nationals of EU member countries must also hold a valid residency permit. The right to work applies to all students, including those who are in France for the first time, those who are enrolled in the first year of a university program, and those who are enrolled full-time in a language school.

While in school

French law allows international students to work provided they have a residence permit (VLS-TS, validated by OFII, or a residence permit in addition to a visa). A student can accept paid employment for up to 60% of the legally defined work year (or 964 hours per year), without prior administrative authorisation.

Education Costs in France


Top Scholarships in France


The French government scholarship programme in India is called Charpak and is run by the Embassy of France in India. The programme is named after Georges Charpak (1924 – 2010). He was a French physicist and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1992.

The Charpak scholarship program offers four types of funding for Bachelor’s and Master’s level studies


The Embassy of France in India, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Government of India and Ministry for Europe & Foreign Affairs, Government of France award the Raman – Charpak Fellowship. It aims to provide Indian and French students an opportunity to carry out part of their research work in a University / Research & Development Institute based in France or India respectively. Indian and French citizens residing in India or France, respectively, registered for a PhD in a recognized university/institution in their respective countries can apply.


The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development and La Fémis have annually joined together to offer a summer program aimed at foreign film and television students, along with young film industry professionals, who wish to develop their practical and theoretical knowledge of documentary filmmaking in France. The summer university program runs for 9 weeks of intensive classes 5 days per week. It takes a maximum of 15 students from different countries: North Africa, Africa, Chili, Russia, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt..

The Embassy of France in India offers a scholarship for 2 months to an Indian student to attend this summer residency programme in France. The awardee is provided with a monthly stipend, return ticket to France, medical insurance coverage etc.


The Eiffel Scholarship is offered by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and International Development through Campus France Paris to the best international students. The University/Institution applies on behalf of the student for the scholarship. the scholarship programme is applicable only for Master’s and PhD studies. The awardees receive 1,181 euros (master degree) and 1,400 euros (PhD) per month, plus additional allowance for life expenditures.


The MOPGA scholarship is offered by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) to international students who wish to pursue a master degree program at a French institution in specific fields of study. The scholarship is offered at master’s degree level to Indian applicants.


The French Institute in India, Embassy of France offers scholarships to French language teachers teaching in Indian schools and universities. These scholarships aim to provide the teachers an opportunity to improve and update the teaching methodologies for teaching French as a foreign language in Indian context. For information, contact jsi@ifindia.in


Erasmus + is a European Union programme that supports education, training, youth and sport. The Erasmus Mundus joint Master’s offer is a study programme that awards scholarships to the world’s best students for one or two years, regardless of their field of studies. To receive one, these students must take their master’s programme in at least two countries participating in the programme. Several French institutes of higher education offer joint Master’s programmes.

In the framework of bilateral agreements between institutes of higher education, Erasmus+ also offers mobility scholarships from and to France. They cover living and accommodation costs. Find out more from the institute you are enrolled in.


Choosing a University and Course to Study in France

There are a great number of universities in France which are operated by the government and these universities provide high quality education and national diplomas which are globally recognised and have a world-wide assertion. These universities offer programmes in all streams including Science (Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Biology), Technology (Computer Science, engineering etc.), literature, arts, social science, Economics, law, business, health, medicine and physical education.

These universities offer programs at each level and these are termed as the following:

  1. Licence (Bachelors) – 3years
  2. Master’s- 5 years
  3. Doctorate- 8 years

*These universities have a rigorous research based course curriculum.

Application Procedure in France


  1. Log on to Etudes en France Website and Create Your Account by clicking on “Register”
  2. Fill the account creation form. You will receive an email requesting you to choose your password as per the requirements. Note Campus France Registration Number (ex. INXX-XXXX) 
  3. To access your account, go to Campus France Website. Click on “Login” and enter using the chosen Username (id) / Password.
  4. Click on Applicant if you wish to apply to French Institutions through the portal
  5. Fill your personal information, academic records, language skills & CV+SOP sections. Upload documents [CV/Resume, Photograph, Passport, Academic Records (Marksheets & Certificates)].
  6. Refer to the link here to understand the number of programmes you can apply from our online catalogue.
  7. Submit your motivation for the programmes.
  8. Wait for the Campus France advisor to review your file and give you a date for an appointment.

STEP 2: The Academic Interview

  1. Your Campus France office will contact you for an appointment for the academic interview  (Or click on: Contact us)
  2. You will have to appear online or in person depending on the sanitary situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic for the academic interview with the Campus France Manager, during which you will be required to explain your reasons for choosing France and the institution where you have been admitted.
  3. You must also carry All mandatory documents (originals + one set of photocopies) and the Campus France fee payment receipt (Ref: Campus France Fee Payment Procedure)
  4. The Campus France processing fee for all any mobility exiting 90 days is 16 500 INR (online processing fee applicable). The payment is to be done online, through the following portal https://payment.ifindia.in/
  5. The photocopies will be verified against the originals and returned to you at the end of the interview, along with an Interview completion certificate from the Campus France advisor.

Step 3: Confirmation and Visa Procedure-

  1. Once your file is validated by a Campus France Manager, you will start receiving responses from universities.
  2. Check the calendar and accordingly check the portal for Acceptance/Rejections
  3. Once you have responses from the universities, You can choose the university to which you wish to take admission.
  4. Once you have your acceptance letter, print it and start your Visa procedure.

STEP 4: Online visa application and scheduling of appointment with VFS – France

  1. Check the list of documents and prepare your file.
  2. After the academic interview, complete your application on our online portal: https://france-visas.gouv.fr/ . You will be asked to create a France-Visas account, which you will need for each step of the process.
  3. Take an appointment for VFS through the France Visa portal.
Note: – All visa applicants have to go in person at any of the listed VFS centres to register their biometric data.

No visa application will be refunded in case you withdraw your application or if your visa application is rejected

STEP 5: Collect your visa from VFS.

Important: You have 3 months from the date of your arrival on French territory to finish the OFII online process, thereby validating your student status. We recommend that you finish the process at the earliest, in order to avoid last-minute stress. 


Campus France processing fees:

The Campus France processing fee for a stay exceeding 90 days is 16,500 INR (online processing fee applicable), exclusive of taxes. There is no processing fee for students going to France for less than 90 days.

The payment is to be done online at https://payment.ifindia.in

Education System in France

Studying in France, at university or one of the Grandes Ecoles, has many advantages. In particular it means benefiting from one of the world’s best and most accessible systems of higher education.


The excellence in higher education and research in France is widely acknowledged around the world. Numerous French universities and Grandes Ecoles place highly in the most reputable international rankings, such as the Times Higher Education, the Financial Times ranking, the QS, the Shanghai ranking and the European Union’s U-Multirank. Studying in France means benefiting from this recognition.

This renown is in particular due to the exceptional achievements of French researchers. With thirteen Fields Medals, France is second in the world in mathematics. It has also had sixty-two Nobel Prize winners, including Marie Curie. The first woman to receive a Nobel, for Physics in 1903, in 1911 she became the first researcher in the world to obtain a second, this time for Chemistry.


The quality of higher education in France is the result of long-term and continuous political vision. Each year, public authorities invest massively in education and research. Education is the State’s biggest budget item, representing over 20% of the budget.

This policy has enabled France to provide students with one of the best systems of higher education in the world and, above all, one of the most accessible. French universities and Grandes Ecoles offer high-quality training without imposing unaffordable tuition and fees

So what more are you waiting for? All of the training provided in our universities is associated with accredited research laboratories and the expertise of experienced professors. Regardless of what you are studying, in France, you will always be alongside committed experts.

    France Student Visa

    • You must be over 18 years of age;
    • You must have already chosen your training course or studies. For more comprehensive information about the courses and diploma preparations on offer, please visit: Campus France 
    • You must be accepted by a higher education establishment. Enrolment conditions differ depending on your nationality, please check the Etudes en France  website to see if your country or territory is included in the online enrolment scheme. For other countries or territories, check the enrolment conditions in terms of specialities and level of education on Campus France .
    • Your visa

      • For a training course not exceeding three months, you will be issued a short-stay visa;
      • For a training course exceeding three months or six months, you will be issued a temporary long-stay visa, which will require no further formalities on your arrival in France;
      • For training or a course exceeding six months, you will be issued a long-stay visa, equivalent to a residence permit, which will be subject to further formalities on your arrival in France.

      Visa pricing for countries or territories with EEF procedure: 50 € *
      Visa pricing for other countries: 99 € *

      * This amount is given as an indication, some special cases may give rise to different rates.

      ► Supporting documents

      They are specified in the visa wizard. You must especially include the certificate of enrolment in the higher education institution that has accepted you.

      ► Digitization

      As of April 7, 2021, France-Visas will provide students with the possibility of sending digital copies of their supporting documents when completing their visa application online. This optional procedure will allow an accelerated process by the external service provider (ESP). This feature will at first be accessible only to applicants for long-stay student visas residing in a country where the visa application is outsourced to an ESP and available online. The prerequisites for the digitization procedure are detailed here.