Why study in Germany?

With vibrant cities and picturesque scenery, Germany is situated in Western Europe and boasts a population of just over 83 million. With Berlin the German capital, Hamburg, Munich Cologne and Frankfurt make up the top 5 cities of where people choose to live work and study!

Why study in Germany?

Germany is highly popular among international students. This is mainly because of the country’s many excellent universities, its dynamic student life and good funding options.

  1. Quality Education

Even though education from Germany is among the best in the world, it costs less than in many other countries. This is because as per the German higher education system ; higher education at public universities is tuition-free. You only need to pay a small charge the semester contribution: This payment varies between higher education institutes and is between 100 and 350 euros. At many higher education institutions, it also includes a semester ticket that allows you to use public transport in the region.

2. A Practical Approach

Being able to study and gain work experience at the same time is one of the advantages of the German educational system. At universities of applied sciences, theory and practice go hand-in-hand. Some offer dual (work/study) programmes, too. They enable you to acquire extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience at the same time.

3. Safe Environment for International Students

Whether you are in the city or the country, you can travel freely and feel secure.

Universities in Germany


Top Course to Study in Germany

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science and Business Analytics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Bio-Technology
  • Business Studies

Career Opportunities in Germany

There are also many opportunities for international students in Germany to earn money alongside their studies, for example as waitresses, academic assistants or tutoring. But there are certain limitations.

  1. International students from other countries are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half days a year. You cannot be self employed or work as a freelancer.
  2. If you want to work more, you need the approval of the employment agency and the foreigners authority . It depends on the situation on the labour market: Opportunities are better in regions with low unemployment.
  3. This does not apply to those who work as Research Assistants .It can be exercised indefinitely. However, you still have to inform the immigration authorities. If you are unsure what kind of job it is, you should contact one of the your universities international office

Education Costs in Germany

higher education at public universities is tuition-free. You only need to pay a small charge the semester contribution: This payment varies between higher education institutes and is between 100 and 350 euros. At many higher education institutions, it also includes a semester ticket that allows you to use public transport in the region.

Germany is not particularly expensive compared to other European countries. But if you want to successfully study abroad, you will have to correctly estimate the costs and ensure that you can cover them.

From 1 January 2023, the presumed annual requirement that must be paid into the blocked account when applying for a visa amounts to 11,208 euros. 

Top Scholarships in Germany-

International students can apply for a scholarship from numerous organizations, such as the DAAD, party-affiliated foundations or business-related institutions

  1. DAAD Scholarships-

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) sponsors well over 100,000 German and international students and researchers around the world every year – making it the world’s largest funding organization of its kind. The grants of the DAAD are primarily aimed at advanced students, PhD students  and postdocs and are awarded for study and research stays at universities and non-university research institutions in Germany.

    The DAAD awards annual scholarships for doctoral students for almost all countries of origin.

    The opportunity to receive a scholarship for the entire doctorate in Germany is primarily offered to applicants from developing and emerging countries (according to the OECD-DAC list (in English) .


Choosing a University and Course to Study in Germany

  • Germany is highly popular among international students. This is mainly because of the country’s many excellent universities, its dynamic student life and good funding options
  • Prospective students can choose between different types of higher education institutions in Germany: there are universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and universities of cooperative education in many different German cities.The bachelors degree is the first academic degree. It teaches the basics of a subject and is recognised as a fully featured course of academic study that allows you to immediately embark on your career after graduating.
  • students from India wishing to study bachelors in Germany, need to completed 1st year of graduation and then apply or can start of for a foundation program in German called the “Studientkolleg”
  • Most medical programs are run in German and to be eligible students need to have answered the German proficiency exam.
  • If you want to continue studying after gaining your Bachelor’s degree, you can enrol in a Masters Degree  programme as a second academic qualification.

    Special features:

    • Requirement: completed Bachelor’s degree (or comparable degree)
    • Standard period of study: between two and four semesters
    • Serves for example to enhance knowledge from a prior Bachelor’s degree or to specialise in a particular area
    • Prepares students for academic work at higher education institutions; a subsequent doctorate is possible
    • Is required in some professions
  • State examination- Some degree programmes lead to a state examination. This means that the final examination is organised and given by a government board. If you want to work as a medical doctor, lawyer, teacher or pharmacist in Germany, you will need a state examination.

Application Procedure in Germany

  • At most higher education institutions, the application phase for the winter start courses that begin in September/October admissions begin in early May and ends on 15 July.
  • For the summer semester starting in March/April the application period runs from early December to 15 January.
  • Letter of acceptance are sent out in August/September and in February/March.
  • Rejections are often sent a little later.
  • Private universities may have other deadlines.

Education System in Germany

The German school system is divided into 5 levels:

  • Early Childhood Education.
  • Primary Education.
  • Secondary Education.
  • Tertiary Education.
  • Continuing Education.

Types of higher education institutions

  • Focus on Science- Universities mainly teach theoretical knowledge and emphasise research. Universities normally offer a wide range of different subjects, but some have specialised and then call themselves technical universities (Technische Universität, TU) or colleges of education (Pädagogische Hochschule, PH). Some universities, such as the Hannover Medical School or the German Sport University Cologne, even focus solely on a single subject area.
  • Focus on Practice- universities of applied science-Universities of applied sciences (HAW/FH) have a practice-oriented academic approach. They focus more on professional application than on theory. Their range of subjects comprises specific fields such as technology, economics, social work or media. In the practical phases, students at universities of applied science complete work placements, longer project phases or entire practical semesters, often in businesses.
  • College of Music and Art- Colleges of art and music train young artists such as musicians, architects, fine artists and designers. Admission requirements include a specific talent which applicants must demonstrate in an entrance examination. Especially talented students may sometimes also be admitted without a qualification for admission to higher education.
  • Universities of Cooperative education- A dual study programme combines academic studies with vocational training or practical phases in a company. This may be an interesting option for people who prefer to learn practically and start their careers quickly.

    German Student Visa

    If you wish to study in Germany and you are already admitted to a university, be it a direct general admission or an admission under certain conditions, you can apply for a study visa if you can prove that you have enough money to support yourself.

    General requirements:

    • Passport
    • Biometric passport photo
    • Filled in application form
    • Proof that you can cover your living expenses. blocked account
    • Admission acceptance letter
    • proof of completed APS procedure with fee paid
    • Proof of international Health insurance
    • The fee for a German student visa application is 75,- EUR.