EduAdvise Study Abroad Consultant Goa

The Gap Year

EduAdvise Study Abroad Consultant Goa

The Gap Year – a concept foreign to us Asians is gradually gaining popularity across our nations. This concept originated in the 1960’s with the Baby Boom Generation particularly in the USA. It gradually garnered interest of young high school students in Europe and other countries, as they tried to gauge the direction they should take in their careers.

In India however, we are still coming to terms with understanding this terminology and its usefulness. Most Indians, both youth and their parents have still not grasped its essence.

A gap year is generally observed as a year of leave or absence from education. It is ideally taken soon after high school or just before graduation. This break from studies is intentionally taken “to deepen one’s practical, professional, and personal awareness”.[6] There are different ways a youth may opt to utilise this time. They can engage in any activity that helps develop their personal and professional skills. Some activities commonly engaged in are volunteer work, internships, work experience, short courses, travel, cultural exchanges, etc.

EduAdvise Study Abroad Consultant Goa

Whichever activity one engages in, youth have claimed, that this break from studies gives them a better perspective of the career choices they wish to make. Having felt the pulse of the professions they have an interest in; participated in community work as volunteers; networked with professionals from different fields; obtained skill based knowledge through short courses; and gained exposure to people from different cultures etc., youngsters have benefited in a large way. Such experiences further enhance their profile when being considered for higher education options particularly in foreign institutions abroad. The student’s résumé gains a boost and he/ she then has an edge over other contenders vying for the same educational institutions.

On the flip side, taking a break from education in a lackadaisical manner, without having a vision or purpose in mind is likely to have an adverse effect on one’s résumé. Not having an end-goal in sight, youngsters may end up procrastinating for too long and not preparing for their future, thus delaying and jeopardizing their own career path.

EduAdvise Study Abroad Consultant Goa

Keeping all the above factors in mind, it is advisable that high school youth apply serious thought and do the necessary research required during their high school years to plan strategic moves during their gap year. Explaining the usefulness of the gap year to parents and how one plans to utilise it is also important at this point in order to get all the support necessary.

Geared with experiences over the year, mapping out a plan should become easier and make your way forward crystal clear.

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